Welcome message

Dear Members of the Korean Society of Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition,

Within its brief history of 14 years, the Korean Society of Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition has established itself as a vital medical society where the nation's leading surgeons gather to research and advance clinical nutrition, representing a pinnacle of excellence in our country. Proudly continuing the legacy that began in 1994, we are approaching the 30th anniversary in November 2024, of the Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition Study Group.

Our society operates under a mission to lead the future of surgical metabolism and nutrition through nutrition-centered patient care, metabolic nutrition research, and the training of specialists. Based on this mission, we have declared four visions: Education, through systematic training to cultivate professionals; Research, by conducting interdisciplinary studies in the field of metabolic nutrition; Clinical Practice, aiming for patients' rapid recovery through standardized nutritional care; and International Cooperation, becoming a global leader in surgical metabolism and nutrition through exchanges and collaboration.

We have launched our inaugural journal, SMN (Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition), followed by the publication of ACNM (Annals of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism), a joint journal with the Korean Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. Furthermore, we have been selected as the official journal for the Asian Society of Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition (ASSMN), aiming for international recognition and development.

For our members, we have been providing educational programs since August 2010, starting with the first CNP (Clinical Nutrition Program), offering training programs for doctors and nurses two times a year. Additionally, we conduct the Nutrition Support Leadership Program for hospital NST team leaders and the Young Surgeon Camp, training new experts to lead the field of surgical clinical metabolism and nutrition.
We play a significant role in the treatment of surgical patients by publishing guidelines for clinical metabolic nutrition treatment and revising textbooks, highlighting the importance of care in this area.

You, our members, represent the elite of your respective subspecialty societies and have strived to foster a society characterized by harmony, research, presentations, and the sharing of friendships.

As the 8th president, I have witnessed our society's rapid and remarkable growth over the past 14 years, and I am committed to further advancing our achievements. I look forward to the exchanges of academic knowledge and the camaraderie among our members, as we walk the path of our profession together. It is my hope that the Korean Society of Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition will continue to be a welcoming and eagerly anticipated meeting place for all.

Thank you,

Seung Wan Ryu
President of the Korean Society of Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition